The season started out well, with a number of trips out in our own boat scoring good sized Amberjack between 1m-1.2m all released in good condition.
Jigging is always such a buzz, due to the fact that large fish are often caught within seconds of the first jig being dropped to the bottom. So often, when using quality jigs a strike occurs almost instantly, with the resulting adrenaline rush helping to provide the energy required to muscle the fish to the surface. Spin reels like the Stella 20 000 have the pulling power to get these large fish under control and to the boat in best condition for release. High speed retrieve is not required, as maximum time working the jig in the target area is achieved with a slower speed retrieve. It also delivers the guts to fight these larger fish who have the ability to brick you in the first few seconds of the battle.
There have also been large numbers of smaller Amberjack and Yellowtail Kingfish in the area.They just love jigs and put up a fight much bigger than their size. With these, it is important to remember the new sizing and bag limits, which is 75cm for Amberjack and 60cm for Kingfish, and maximum bag limit of 2 for Amberjack and Samsonfish combined, and 2 for Yellowtail Kingfish.
This makes it important to take care with all fish that are to be released, so as not to jeopardise our future fishery.
Large Amberjack should always be released, as the eating quality is not worth the death of a fish so valuable to the fishery. Pearl Perch on the other hand are beautiful eating and are fun to target on jig. A different jig style is generally required, and a slower, steady retrieve of a hooked fish is essential.
Pop in and see us for more information on our customer jigging trips that are back in full swing. Customers who have purchased their jig gear with us, are invited to join us on board a local charter boat with 2 of our staff to assist with info on techniques and to help with knot tying, jig selection etc.
We have just completed two customer jig trips with hot bites from Amberjack and Kingfish on both occasions.
At some stages through the day multiple hook ups resulted in everyone battling frisky fish at the same time. This certainly kept the deckie on his toes as most fish were being released in good condition.

Goldens' Galore
Posted by Steve
Posted by Steve
In early July the boys ventured to the pristine waters of Hervey Bay in an attempt to close the lid on the 08/09 Golden Trevally season. June/July traditionally sees the Goldens move off the flats and into the deeper waters of the bay. These fish typically range between 80-95cm and are fantastic sport on light tackle. The results were ones normally dreamt of with 46 Goldens caught over 3 days. Throw in 2 lovely Queenfish, sight casted in very shallow water and countless other trevally species. It was a trip to remember.

For any information regarding the light tackle Hervey Bay Sport Fishery and techniques, drop in and see the crew at Jones's Tackle.

For any information regarding the light tackle Hervey Bay Sport Fishery and techniques, drop in and see the crew at Jones's Tackle.